Ideas for Ceiling Designs
The ceilings in our homes and businesses are often overlooked as a design feature. Consider some creative ceiling designs to inject some personality into your space. Ceiling design offers an opportunity to use the ceiling as the focal point of the room. Keep in mind that different rooms offer different aesthetics so you’ll have to determine the atmosphere you’re looking to achieve. But you can implement a grand ceiling design for larger rooms like a cathedral ceiling.
Conversely, you can go with exposed or tray ceilings when designing a smaller room. If you want a modern ceiling design, consider a stretch ceiling. If you’re looking for a unique ceiling design, our team can help! With years of experience in the industry, we can create a stretch ceiling that’s perfect for you.
One-of-a-Kind Ceiling Designs
Installing unique ceiling designs are on trend. You could opt for traditional ceilings like beam, cathedral, and exposed, but why not invest in a ceiling type that will truly impress your guests? Stretch ceilings are a great option because they are fully customizable and you can have something different in every room in the house. The following are some design options to consider.
Kitchen Ceilings
There are a lot of stunning ceiling design options for your kitchen. Think cathedral or exposed in this scenario as it makes the room feel larger. You could also opt for a stretch ceiling that is light in colour – this way you can achieve the feeling of openness and it makes for an easy transition if you ever want to experiment with different design options.
Living Room Ceilings
A neutral-coloured stretch ceiling works great in the living room. This conveys the feeling of comfort, which is exactly what we’re looking for in this room. Waffle, exposed, and beam ceilings can also be great options to usher in an inviting atmosphere.
Dining Room Ceilings
When it comes to dining room ceilings we want to present elegance, and this can be achieved with a stretch ceiling that has a stylish print. Additionally, you can convey this feeling with recessed, dome, or beamed styles of ceiling.
Bedroom Ceilings
Since our bedrooms are a more private area of our home, this means we can really dial up the creativity. Stretch ceilings allow the individuals who sleep in that room to tailor the design to exactly what they want. This way, a unique, themed bedroom can be achieved to really make you feel at home. Moreover, you can also explore waffle, coffered, beamed, and cathedral ceiling styles in this room – all great bedroom ceiling design options.
Choose Carsie Stretch Ceilings for Your Project
Some ceiling styles work better in specific rooms than others, but you can never go wrong with a stretch ceiling. Each style comes with its advantages and disadvantages, so it boils down to needs and goals of the household in order to determine which ceiling design to opt for.
For more information and ceiling designs, call the experts at Carsie Stretch Ceilings today!